Club Minutes Notes: 1/12/2025
January Meeting 1/12/25 opened at 7:30PM
Secretary report was read motion to accept by Ted, seconded by Brian, motion carried.
The treasure report was given the motion to accept by Brian, seconded by Randy, motion carried.
IGH trail report – Gary went out and rerouted the trail at 38th and Rich Valley.
Safety Class – Trained 11 students. Motion made to donate $100 to the IGH Fire Dept for use of the fire hall for Safety Class training. Motion made by Phil, second by Brian, motion passed.
Dakota Trails minutes were read.
Region 6 minutes were read.
Old Business – To give a donation to Krech for $250 and Blake for $100 for using their machines for setting up the snowmobile trail. Motion made by Phil, seconded by Brian, motion passed. Gary will take care of this.
New Business –
Safety Class records – Phil has a box of old records from the safety class over the last 20 years. He asking if they should be shredded. It was agreed that he should do that. Judy said that it would be free, if he takes them to MidCountry Bank.
MnUSA reception – This is being held at the old Kelly Inn Hotel from 4:30 to 7:30PM.
Motion to reimburse Gary for the food expense for the members that helped with safety class. Motion made by Ted, seconded by Kevin, motion passed.
50/50 won by Randy.
Pot of Gold won by Troy, to bad he wasn’t there, will be $50 in February.
Motion made by Brian to adjourn, seconded by Randy, meeting closed at 8:29PM.
Jim Smeby Secretary